zur Suche

Ausbildung Fachinformatiker Systemintegration

Jetzt bewerben


Beginn: 01.03.2025


Your contribution

Please enter max 5-6 Bullets which describe the tasks of the role:

  • Clear, short, specific bulletpoints
  • Break up blocks of text
  • Avoid industry jargon or organization-specific wording
  • Replace this instruction with your items


Your strengths

Pleas enter max 5-6 Bullets which describe the abilities the candidate should show: 

  • Use clear, short and specific bulletpoints
  • Break up blocks of text into seperated bullet-points
  • Avoid industry jargon or organization-specific wording 
  • Replace this instruction with your items


Our Offer

  • The advantages of an internationally active and independent private company
  • Exciting change processes that you are directly involved in and shape from the very beginning
  • Dialog-oriented feedback from superiors and flat hierarchies
  • Active participation in shaping your future and independent action
  • Targeted strengthening and further development of your skills
  • Collectively agreed pay with extensive fringe benefits
  • Mobile working possible

Have we aroused your interest?  Then apply online via our RKW application portal, stating your current notice period and salary expectations.

Do you have any questions?  Feel free to contact us at 05553 201-550 or send an e-mail to bewerbung.echte@rkw-group.com.


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