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Internship Semester: AI B2B Message Investigator and Mapping Assistant

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AI B2B Message Investigator and Mapping Assistant

Motivation and Goals

In B2B message exchange, standardized text messages are used for transactions such as purchase orders or invoices. Purchase order numbers can be similar to dates or appear in different places in different document types. Transformer models enable various NLP tasks such as classification of text, text substitution, summarization, and translation into another language.


This work will first practically evaluate the potential of transformer technology for various NLP tasks involving B2B text messages. Then, a prototype will be developed to find values of individual elements in the messages. Complementary, e.g., the meaning of text fields will be captured, structure and flows will be traced, and mappings will be proposed. For the work, an AI computer with 4 Nvidia 3090 GPUs, as well as a text corpus from system documentation and blogs, and questions from the test run of the prototype are available.

Location: Karlsruhe and/or Bretten

Contact Recruiting:

Daniel Iwtschenko

+49 7252 96-2224

LinkedIn - XING

Nach Absprache

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