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Thesis: Assessing Cutting-Edge Camera Technology for Industrial Applications*

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Winter semester 2024/25 - limited to 3-6 months

In the past decades camera systems with increasingly sophisticated capabilities have become ubiquitous. Ranging from cameras embedded in our smartphones to camera arrays in self-driving cars and camera systems controlling industrial manufacturing process, these systems are revolutionizing industries and our everyday lives. At the heart of all these systems lie images which are generated based on various technologies ranging from standard CMOS image sensors in the visible spectral range to novel emerging approaches extending the spectral range to the UV and the deep IR. Depending on the task of the camera system and the performed image processing e.g. with novel AI based algorithms, different image quality measures come into play.
The goal in this thesis will be to investigate different camera technologies and their image quality measures and how they can be employed for novel industrial sensors.


  • You design and set up a measurement system to evaluate image quality and system performance
  • You explore novel camera approaches


  • You are studying Electrical Engineering, Information Technology, Computer Science, or a related field 
  • You have basic programming skills, e.g. in Python, Matlab
  • You are a team player
  • You have a hands-on mentality
  • Your independent and creative working style rounds off your profile 


  • We are looking forward to your online application
  • Sarah Disch
  • Job-ID 35840 
  • All applications will be treated confidentially

*At SICK, we see people, not gender. 

We put great emphasis on diversity, reject discrimination and do not think in categories such as gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, age or sexual identity.

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