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Communications Assistant (m/f/d) Student/ part tim - to start working immediately with projects on green entrepreneurship (preferred starting date: 01 October 2024 – Location: Berlin or Munich).

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Communications Assistant (m/f/d)

Student / part time
to start working immediately with projects on green entrepreneurship (preferred starting date: 01 October 2024 – Location: Berlin or Munich).
adelphi researchadelphi is the leading independent think-and-do tank in Europe for climate, environment and development. We are some 320 strategists, thought leaders and practitioners working at the local and global levels to find solutions to the most urgent political, economic and social challenges of our time. As a policy consultancy, we support a just transition towards carbon neutrality and sustainable, liveable societies. Our work is grounded in transdisciplinary research, evidence-based consulting and stakeholder dialogues. With these tools we shape policy agendas, facilitate political communication, inform policy processes and support decision-makers.
Reconciling economic growth with climate protection and resource efficiency requires access to affordable and appropriate financing solutions. In many countries, however, markets and frameworks for green financial products and sustainable investments are underdeveloped. adelphi supports clients from politics, business and the financial sector in designing and implementing green financing instruments, both in Europe and in developing and emerging economies.PART TIME
Berlin or Munich 

Job summary

The three main projects include SEED, UGEFA (Uganda Green Enterprise Finance Accelerator) and the Circular Economy Catalyst. SEED was founded at the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg by UN Environment, UNDP and IUCN as a global partnership for action on sustainable development and the green economy. SEED is based on the understanding that the promotion of social and environmental entrepreneurship is pivotal for environmentally friendly and socially inclusive development and poverty reduction.
The Uganda Green Enterprise Finance Accelerator aims to facilitate the flow of green finance into the Ugandan SMEs sector through strengthening green SMEs and improving available financial mechanisms for SME debt financing.
The Circular Economy Catalyst harnesses the transformative potential of small and growing enterprises to contribute to circular and inclusive economies. Working in India and Kenya, the project collaborates with partners to support over 220 entrepreneurs to create profitable circular economy business models.

Diversity is important to us. For a sustainable future, we need a diversity of experiences experiences, backgrounds and perspectives.

Your tasks

    This position is open to students currently enrolled in a Bachelor or Master programme.

  • You will play a key role in the projects online communication activities. You will research, draft and monitor content for our social media channels, websites and newsletters
  • You will manage, design and edit material and content for the projects’ websites
  • You will support the project teams in outreach activities for our various programmes supporting green and social enterprises
  • You will follow and research key topics that are important for green entrepreneurship so we can use this insight in our media relations, policy and other activities
  • You will help in the development of visually appealing materials
  • You will support contact management

Your qualifications

  • You are currently studying communications, journalism or marketing
  • You should enjoy writing and editing
  • You have an eye for design and skills to create strong visuals
  • You have a basic understanding of marketing and communications
  • You have a high level of English (our working language). As an asset: French language skills
  • Excellent command of MS Office and basic command of Canva
  • You work pro-actively and enjoy suggesting ideas and moving tasks independently
  • As an asset: working knowledge of Adobe Suite Programmes (InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator) and content management systems (CMS), i.e. Joomla!
  • You have an interest in the projects’ topics and target countries

We offer...

  • adelphi Impact:
    You advance social-ecological transformation with impactful projects.
  • adelphi Fit:
    Free or discounted membership in the Urban Sports Club with more than 50 sports throughout Germany and in five European countries.
  • adelphi Mobile:
    Subsidized BVG company ticket including free transportation for passengers and/ or our job bike leasing for your personal bike of choice. Whether for your way to work or for your free time.
  • adelphi Spirit:
    An international and interdisciplinary team with a lot of passionate commitment for a future worth living. Not only spinning ideas together at work, but also celebrating together at various adelphi events.
  • adelphi DNA:
    dynamic green new-work environment with flexible working hours for your personal work-life balance as well as IT equipment for your home office.
  • adelphi Care:
    Individual development through numerous internal and external trainings as well as our buddy program, mentoring and knowledge exchanges.
  • Flexible working hours – we propose a contract of 20hrs weekly.
  • You will be actively involved in promoting Green Entrepreneurship projects’ activities and their agenda in the field of eco-inclusive entrepreneurship.
  • You will be part of the culturally diverse, motivated and creative international team driven by a can-do and getting-things-done attitude.
  • You will join the Green Entrepreneurship team at the adelphi GmbH headquarters in Berlin or the SEED headquarters in Munich.
  • You will take on responsibility quickly and gather experience on our target countries and programme activities.

Your application

We therefore welcome all applications - regardless of gender, disability, nationality or ethnic and social origin. Recognised severely disabled persons or persons of equal status will be given preferential consideration in the case of equal suitability.
Send us your complete documents by 1st of September (including cover letter, including curriculum vitae, copies of certificates and information on your availability). Please use only the way via our online application. 
Applications will be evaluated on a rolling basis.

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