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Working student - Controlling

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Job-ID: C-F Finance, Accounting & Procurement -22164

Working student - Controlling


Students  —  Working Student


This challenge awaits you:

Take on exciting tasks in data analysis and reporting automation. You will optimize central processes and develop innovative solutions. Your work will make a decisive contribution to increasing efficiency and quality assurance in our planning and reporting activities.

Your Tasks:

  • You create and develop standard reports (web and Excel).
  • You customize the OLAP-based planning tool.
  • You build and maintain web-based planning, forecast and report masks.
  • You build and maintain VBA-based Excel tools.
  • You will further develop process automation using bots.
  • You support planning, forecasting and reporting.
  • You create PowerPoint presentations.

Necessary Skills:

  • Ongoing studies in the field of business administration, industrial engineering or a similar course of study
  • Confident handling of MS Office (especially Excel and PowerPoint)
  • Quick familiarization with IT tools and good understanding of business contexts
  • German language skills of at least C1 level and English language skills of at least B1 level

Desired Skills:

  • VBA knowledge is an advantage
  • High degree of creativity as well as an independent, careful and structured way of working

Remuneration is based on our collective wage and salary agreement. The current hourly rate for this position is EUR 17.52. From February 2025, the hourly rate for this position will be EUR 18.10.

Das spricht für uns:

Als Student:in arbeitest du bei IAV nicht irgendwo, sondern mittendrin. In echten Projekten. An spannenden Zukunftsaufgaben. Voll integriert und im Schulterschluss mit IAV-Expert:innen. Viel Verantwortung und gleichzeitig viel Freiraum, um Uni und Arbeit zusammen zu bringen: So entstehen beste Perspektiven für deine berufliche Entwicklung. Bei attraktiver Vergütung nach unserem Haustarifvertrag.

Uns sind Vielfalt und Chancengleichheit wichtig. Für uns zählt der Mensch mit seiner Persönlichkeit und seinen Stärken.

Nach Absprache

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