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Karriereprofil UNIVERSITÄTSKLINIKUM Schleswig-Holstein

PhD student (m/f/d) at the department of Radiology and Neuroradiology

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Department of Radiology and Neuroradiology at University Hospital Schleswig Holstein (UKSH) Campus Kiel

Project: "Data Preparation for digital twin of Flow-Diverter-Stent”.

Project Summary: An intracranial aneurysm is a vessel pathology that might result in life-threatening brain bleeding. Aneurysms can be effectively treated by placing special implants that modulate and reduce intra-aneurysmal flow modulation devices (FMD). However, complications still arise, and some aneurysms rupture after the treatment. Therefore, more efficient and safer FMDs are constantly developed. However, the traditional development of FMDs is hindered by cost, time, and labor constraints.

Here, we propose accelerating the development of FMDs by creating a digital twin of intracranial aneurysms and implants so that the properties of the FMDs can be optimized digitally before the fabrication process. Comprehensive data on device efficacy in both in vitro and in vivo settings is crucial for this endeavor.

Start in our team

We are looking for professional and competent support to start as soon as possible, limited for 3 years.

What we offer:

  • The salary will be based on the German E13 TV-L scale (75%), if terms and conditions under collective bargaining law are fulfilled
  • Part-time employment currently 28,75 hours/week
  • Flexible working hours to accommodate individual schedules
  • Opportunities for interdisciplinary research at the intersection of medicine, physics, engineering, and computer science
  • Work in a vibrant, international biomedical imaging group comprising over 30 enthusiastic members

Your role:

  • Constructing patient-specific aneurysm models, performing and analyzing MRI and X-ray experiments, image post-processing, and developing systems for rapid aneurysm treatment monitoring
  • Treating aneurysm models by placing novel and commercial FMDs and analyzing implant efficiency with radiological imaging techniques, including but not limited to time-resolved and flow-sensitive MRI and digital subtraction angiography
  • Collaborating closely with medical professionals, scientists, and engineers to drive innovation and develop cutting-edge imaging techniques
  • Ensuring the effective planning, execution, and completion of joint research projects in collaboration with our research partners
  • Providing support to clinical experts in research activities, including assisting with clinical documentation and contributing to generating scientific publications to distribute research findings and advancements

Your profile:

  • Holding a master's degree in Physics, Engineering, Materials Science, or a related field (Master, Diploma, etc.)
  • Demonstrating strong proficiency and practical experience in system automation, microcontroller programming (e.g., Arduino), computer-aided design, prototyping, and 3D printing
  • Possessing magnetic resonance and X-ray imaging knowledge would be advantageous for the role
  • Having experience in programming languages such as Matlab, C, C++, or Python, as well as expertise in data modeling and analysis, would be beneficial for effectively carrying out the position's responsibilities.
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication abilities in English (both spoken and written); proficiency in German is advantageous.

We are looking forward to your application including a short motivation letter and CV (including, if applicable, certificates of higher education and job references) as a single PDF file. Please submit your application until 10th September 2024, indicating the reference number 24763.

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