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Thesis: Bridging the Sim2Real gap for sensor data in an industrial context via generative models*

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Winter semester 2024/25 - limited to 5-6 months

Machine learning (ML) models are increasingly hungry for data. In industrial contexts, high-quality labeled data is a scarce and costly resource. Synthetic data enables ML model training, algorithm evaluation, or sensor design without the burden of exhaustive data collection. However, generating realistic data is difficult, because not all attributes of sensors or the environment are captured (i.e., simulation-reality-gap). Recently, generative models have emerged as a promising avenue, potentially helping in generating synthetic data that closely mimics real-world scenarios.
The goal in this thesis will be to evaluate the potential of generative models to bridge the gap between realistic and synthetic sensor data in an industrial context.


  • You perform a literature review on generating realistic sensor data via generative models
  • You familiarize yourself with sensor simulation in Nvidia Omniverse
  • You explore the applicability of 1-2 generative approaches on a specific industrial use case
  • You evaluate the performance of considered approaches on a downstream task


  • You are familiar with generative models such as diffusion models or GANs
  • You may bring experience in machine learning domains such as computer vision, audio processing, or NLP, demonstrating expertise in system training, evaluation, and understanding of these systems
  • You might have designed your own games or tinkered with the industrial Metaverse
  • You are passionate about exploring the applicability of Generative AI for a specific industrial use case


  • We are looking forward to your online application
  • Sarah Disch
  • Job-ID 35903 
  • All applications will be treated confidentially

*At SICK, we see people, not gender. 

We put great emphasis on diversity, reject discrimination and do not think in categories such as gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, age or sexual identity.

Stichworte: Student, Studentin, Studierende, Masterstudent, Bachelorstudent, Masterand, Bachelorand, Masterstudentin, Bachelorstudentin, Masterandin, Bachelorandin, Master, Bachelor, studienbegleitend, Studi, Studium, Bachelorstudierende, Masterstudierende, Praktikant, Praktikantin, Pflichtpraktikant, Pflichtpraktikantin, Praktika, Praktikum, Pflichtpraktikum, Internship, Intern, Praxissemester, Pflicht, Prakti, freiwillig, Praxis, Semesterpraktikum, Thesis, Masterarbeit, Bachelorarbeit 

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