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Master's thesis: Dynamic emission modeling from delayed and non-dynamic measurements

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Job-ID: T-TD Powertrain Systems-22165

Master's thesis: Dynamic emission modeling from delayed and non-dynamic measurements


Students  —  Thesis


This challenge awaits you:

The journey to emission-free mobility is far from over. Brake and tire abrasion present us with new challenges. But where there are problems, innovative solutions are not far away: this work opens the door to a revolutionary method of emissions assessment. Using state-of-the-art machine learning and clever modeling of dynamic emissions from static measurement data, we skillfully navigate through the complexity of environmental pollution. Dive into the future of emission control - efficient, precise and groundbreaking.

The topic of this thesis is the modeling of dynamic emissions from non-dynamic emission measurements using machine learning through the interaction of different physical constraints in the optimization process.

Your Tasks:

  • You will familiarize yourself with the basics of the theory of non-exhaust emissions (brakes and tires).
  • You evaluate measurement data with Python.
  • You apply machine learning with Python.
  • You visualize model results in Python.
  • You adapt standard machine learning methods by using constraints in the structure and customized loss functions to dispense with dynamic targets.
  • Validate the results.

Necessary Skills:

  • Ongoing studies in a technical field such as automotive engineering, physics or a similar course of study
  • Interest in physics, thermodynamics, computer science
  • Interest in the field described
  • German language skills of at least C1 and/or English language skills of at least C1 level

Desired knowledge:

  • Ability to work independently and think analytically

Das spricht für uns:

Als Student:in arbeitest du bei IAV nicht irgendwo, sondern mittendrin. In echten Projekten. An spannenden Zukunftsaufgaben. Voll integriert und im Schulterschluss mit IAV-Expert:innen. Viel Verantwortung und gleichzeitig viel Freiraum, um Uni und Arbeit zusammen zu bringen: So entstehen beste Perspektiven für deine berufliche Entwicklung. Bei attraktiver Vergütung nach unserem Haustarifvertrag.

Uns sind Vielfalt und Chancengleichheit wichtig. Für uns zählt der Mensch mit seiner Persönlichkeit und seinen Stärken.

Nach Absprache

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