zur Suche

Intern Special Customer Solutions for Electron Microscopy (m/w/x)

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Your Role

  • Support our strategic product management group with special customer solutions for our Electron Microscopes

  • Interact directly with our global sales force and support timely evaluation and implementation of special requests

  • Learn about our world-leading electron optics and detector technologies

  • Align with colleagues from our factories in Germany and the United Kingdom (if requested, incl. a trip to the UK)

  • Support concept development for efficient documentation and process improvements

Your Profile

  • You are enrolled in a Bachelor's / Master's degree in the field of Natural Sciences, Engineering, Mathematics, Economics or similar

  • Interest in advanced technology

  • Desire to work in a dynamic team, but complete task independently

  • Highly-motivated to make a difference

Your ZEISS Recruiting Team:

Inga Hobus, Laura Steininger


  • Location: Oberkochen
  • Type: Full time
Nach Absprache

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