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Thesis/Internship - Evaluation and comparison of cabin air quality in premium vehicles

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Job-ID: T-TD Powertrain Systems-22402

Thesis/Internship - Evaluation and comparison of cabin air quality in premium vehicles


Students  —  Thesis

Ingolstadt, Heimsheim, München

This challenge awaits you:

Improving the air in the vehicle interior is becoming increasingly important for premium manufacturers. As air quality plays a major role for the occupants, additional fragrancing technologies are offered in luxury-class models alongside air filters. To objectively evaluate and compare the vehicles, we at IAV are developing a measuring system that analyzes the air components.

Your Tasks:

  • You will familiarize yourself with the topics of vehicle air conditioning and the state of the art in air conditioning systems.
  • You will take over the existing measurement setup and independent commissioning.
  • You will expand the measuring system with additional measuring points.
  • You will evaluate your measurement setup by carrying out competitive analyses on luxury vehicles.
  • You will prepare measurement results and provide support for presentations to customers.

Necessary Skills:

  • Ongoing studies in the field of chemistry, electrical engineering, automotive engineering or a comparable course of study
  • Independent way of working with creative approaches and interest in practical work
  • Very good German language skills at B2 level and business fluent English language skills at C1 level

Desired Skills:

  • Initial knowledge in the field of vehicle air conditioning
  • Practical experience in dealing with measuring systems

The salary is based on our collective wage and salary agreement. The current monthly salary for this position is EUR 979.

You won’t just be working anywhere as a student at IAV. You’ll be right in the middle of it all. Real projects. Exciting future tasks. Completely integrated and side-by-side with IAV experts. Lots of responsibility and at the same time lots of freedom, combining university and work. The result is the best prospects for your professional development. And attractive compensation in accordance with our company wage agreements.
Diversity and equal opportunity are important to us. What matters to us is the individual, with his or her character and strengths.

Nach Absprache

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