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Internship in Investigation of Combination of Short Circuit Detection and Dead Time Control for SiC MOSFETs

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Company Description

At Bosch, we shape the future by inventing high-quality technologies and services that spark enthusiasm and enrich people’s lives. Our promise to our associates is rock-solid: we grow together, we enjoy our work, and we inspire each other. Join in and feel the difference.
TheRobert Bosch GmbHis looking forward to your application!

Job Description

As wide-gap power semiconductors SiC MOSFETs gain prominence in power electronics due to their high efficiency, superior thermal performance, and ability to handle higher voltages and frequencies, there is a compelling need for advanced gate driving techniques that enhance their operational stability and efficiency.

This project focuses on implementing and validating closed-loop gate driving concept for SiC MOSFETs in half-bridge configurations. The objective is to create an intelligent system that detect the short circuit and dynamically adjusts dead time based on real-time feedback, which can be integrated seamlessly into the gate driver IC. This innovative approach aims to optimize performance, improve the reliability, minimize dead-time losses and reduce electromagnetic interference.

  • During your internship, you will write a state of the art review.
  • Your tasks will also include circuit simulation and hardware implementation.
  • Finally, you will be responsible for FPGA programming and result analysis.


  • Education: Master studies in Electronic Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Information Engineering or comparable
  • Experience and Knowledge: in electronics and electronic development, high proficiency in Matlab, Python, C++ or similar programming software, solid background in power electronics and FPGA prototyping is a plus
  • Personality and Working Practice: you are a communicative and reliable person with good presentation skills
  • Languages: business fluent in English

Additional Information

Start: according to prior agreement
Duration: 6 months

Requirement for this internship is the enrollment at university. Please attach your CV, transcript of records, enrollment certificate, examination regulations and if indicated a valid work and residence permit.

Diversity and inclusion are not just trends for us but are firmly anchored in our corporate culture. Therefore, we welcome all applications, regardless of gender, age, disability, religion, ethnic origin or sexual identity.

Need further information about the job?
Joachim Joos (Functional Department)
+49 7121 35 39778



  • Type: Full-time
  • Function: Engineering
Nach Absprache

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