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Universitätsklinikum Tübingen AöR
Karriereprofil Universitätsklinikum Tübingen AöR

Postdocs and PhD Students (f/m/d)

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The Institute for Neuromodulation and Neurotechnology at the University Hospital Tübingen, Germany, brings together neuroscientists, engineers, computer scientists, and physicians with a shared mission: to improve the lives of patients with brain disorders through state-dependent stimulation and adaptive neurotechnology for neuromodulation of the nervous system.

About Us:

As a translational research group, we develop innovative neuromodulation tools and collaborate closely with biomedical companies to access cutting-edge neurotechnology. Our work bridges fundamental studies in healthy subjects with clinical research on patient populations, applying insights to refine therapeutic protocols.

Our team is deeply committed to advancing Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), a transformative therapy for movement disorders and psychiatric conditions. We leverage multimodal neuroimaging and electrophysiological techniques to unravel the complex neural mechanisms underlying these disorders. By integrating this knowledge, we strive to develop and refine DBS therapies that are more precise, effective, and tailored to individual patients.

To learn more about our recent representative work, please refer to the References section below.

Recent Representative work from our group:

  • Grimm, F., et al. "Strong connectivity to the sensorimotor cortex predicts clinical effectiveness of thalamic deep brain stimulation in essential tremor." NeuroImage: Clinical 45 (2025): 103709. 
  • Ferrea, E., et al. "Machine learning explains response variability of deep brain stimulation on Parkinson’s disease quality of life." npj Digital Medicine 7.1 (2024): 269.
  • Gharabaghi, A., et al. "Randomized crossover trial on motor and non-motor outcomes of directional deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease." npj Parkinson's Disease 10.1 (2024): 204.
  • Frohlich, J., et al. "Sex differences in prenatal development of neural complexity in the human brain." Nature Mental Health 2.4 (2024): 401–416.
  • Frohlich, J., et al. "Brain signal complexity and aperiodicity predict human corticospinal excitability." bioRxiv (2024): 2024-02.
  • Menrath, D., et al. (2024). Real-Time Spatiotemporal Filtering for Artifact-Free EEG during Electrical Neurostimulation. bioRxiv, 2024-11. Join us in shaping the future of neuromodulation and deep brain stimulation!

Your Qualification: 

  • A Master’s degree or PhD in Neuroscience, Cognitive Science, Biology, Computer Science, Engineering, Data Science, or related fields
  • Proficiency in statistical data analysis, digital signal processing, and/or programming (e.g., Python, MATLAB)
  • Experience in techniques such as: Electrophysiology: BCI/BMI, DBS, M/EEG, LFP, MER, or EMG. Intraoperative Electrophysiology: (Optional, based on role)

What we offer: 

  • Access to innovative brain stimulation paradigms for advancing knowledge and developing new therapies 
  • Opportunities to work with in vivo electrophysiological data from patients and healthy controls 
  • A supportive research environment with pre-built analysis tools and resources for designing custom approaches 
  • Cutting-edge technologies to generate impactful results
  • A collaborative team united by the vision of enhancing brain research to create more effective therapies
We offer remuneration in accordance with TV-L (collective wage agreement for the Public Service of the German Federal States),
severely handicapped persons with equal qualifications are given preferential consideration.
Interview expenses are not covered.
Please note the applicable vaccination regulations.
Nach Absprache

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